Dimir Deck Doom
Anyway I played with my Dimir deck. I got slaughtered. I only won one game. Now to refresh your memories, a tournament consists of matches. There are a possible three games per match. The usual number of matches is five. So I played 11 games. I won 1 out of 11 games. Okay I can now admit to all of you out there that I suck.
So I have now rebuilt my deck. No longer does it have 78 cards in it. It only has 65, which is 5 too many, so hopefully it will play better. I remove cards and switched cards. One card that I removed is Mnemonic Nexus, yes I know this card goes against everything that is Dimir, but I had it in there just in case I played against another Dimir deck. I have now safely removed it to my sideboard. In case you were not aware, in tournaments you can have a sideboard. In sealed deck and booster draft you use every card that you pulled but didn't put in your deck. Though you can not change out your lands afterwards. In constructed you are limited to 15 cards in your sideboard. You can put cards in there that you were thinking about putting into your deck. You also put in cards that you would use in special circumstances, like Mnemonic Nexus or extra disenchants for those pesky players who have a million enchantments. When you use your sideboard you replace cards that are in your deck with ones that are in your sideboard. You must maintain the same number of cards in your deck.
Sorry about going off on sideboarding, but I didn't actually know the rules about sideboarding. I just recently learned them. So I was just wanting to make sure that other people like me wouldn't be left out of the loop. Anyway.... I hope that my Dimir deck will do well next time I play GEEK who is coming home in one and a half weeks! I am so excited! You see GEEK is my brother! I miss him so very much!!!
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